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One Writer’s Journey

I admit I am not good at frequent blogging! My intentions are there, but the demands of life and/or writing frequently interfere. This time, though, I intend to be more faithful.

I am starting in on the third draft of my current writing project. I thought you all might like to see what my process is like and enjoy updates on the progress of this book.

If you follow my Sinead Tyrone Author page on Facebook, you already have a little background information on what I’m working on at present. For those who aren’t yet familiar, I am currently writing a novel about a group of musicians in the metal music field who lose a band member and have to find their way forward. The book is about loss, but more importantly about the very strong bond of brotherhood among these musicians, about their intense passion for their craft, and about the power of music in general to move us all.

In addition to writing fiction, I am also a poet. This current project started out with a series of poems. In this book my intention is to include the poems at the back of the novel. The poems make more sense when connected to the story, and the novel is enhanced by the poems.

This project, more than any of my other books, is most definitely propelled by a higher power. The muse inspiring this material is driving me more intensely than I’ve ever been driven before. In fact, since starting the project at the end of December, and having gone through two drafts and forty poems so far, my muse has never once rested or departed. Any writer dreams of having so faithful a muse. I am grateful that the inspiration and drive have never left, and show no signs of waning.

Now the third draft starts.

If you read my “View From My Backyard” page here, you will have a general sense of what my writing process is like. In this book, draft two has set the story line. In draft three my challenge is to go deeper, add more power and detail, and give the readers the most intense experience I can. My heart is so involved in this story I want it to be the very best thing I’ve ever done.

So, journey along with me as the drafting process moves forward! And feel free, at any time, to post comments. I enjoy hearing from you all!
